Chose one of these and do it WELL

- Create a life-sized model of the main character of your book. You must include quotes from the book to support your choices of hair, eye color, height, weight, and clothing. Printing the poster tips.
Create a journal as if you were the main character. Use quotes from the book. Write as in that character's voice. Include details from the book. Don't worry about "spoiling" the ending. Assume I have read the book.
Dress as one of the characters from the book for your oral report. Be prepared to "defend" the costume with quotes and examples from the book.

Write a book review (a critique) as it would be done for a newspaper or magazine (Like Time or People. Be sure you read a few before writing your own.) NY Times Books
- After reading a book of history or historical fiction, make an illustrated timeline showing events of the story and draw a map showing the location(s) where the story took place. You need QUOTES from the book.

Write a short story about one of the character's life twenty years from now. Using details from the book, project what you think will happen in their "happily ever after" the book takes place. Your story should be 3+ pages long.

- Invite one of the characters to dinner, and plan
an imaginary conversation with the person who will fix the meal. What would the invitation like (create it)? What will the menu look like (create it), and why? What will you talk about (write dialogue)?
- Rewrite the story for younger children in picture book form. Create the story book by looking at other picture books and creating an age-appropriate book with your characters and plot. Wiki-How here
Pretend that you can spend a day with one of the characters. Which character would you choose? Why? What would you do? This is INSIDE the book to prove you read it. It would be in short-story format. Choose one day from the book and relive/rewrite it from your point of view.
Creative Performance Projects
Give a sales talk, pretending the students in the class are clerks in a bookstore and you want them to push this book. You should have a poster to help the book sell.
Construct puppets and present a show of one or more interesting parts of the book. communicate with the puppet and in some way, demonstrate his or her knowledge of the book’s plot, theme, and characters. At the end of the dramatic part, the student must include a grade or age level likely to be interested in this book, and review the book citing strengths and weaknesses.
Pretend you are going to the funeral of your main character. Crete an obituary. It should look like obituaries in the paper (HERE) Write a eulogy speech that would be given at the funeral. Be sure to include life-time accomplishments. Use quotes from other characters in the book that describe this character.
Imagine about one of the character's life twenty years from now. Using details from the book, project what you think will happen in their "happily ever after" the book takes place. This is a short story (at least 3 pages).
Write and present (perform) a song that gives us the plot of your book. Think of Taylor Swift's "Love Story" as an example. Write a song. Take a melody you like and put new words to it.
Film a short video. This can take either the form of a review, or a short film with reenactments of key scenes in the book, or a combination of both.
Create a painting or piece of art that represents the book with symbols, themes, or a scene from the book. Present and display your art in the classroom.