Saturday, December 14, 2013

What did I miss??

Several students have asked what they missed:

First, if you are missing ANY of the article of the weeks, they are located here:
PINK article of the week (students should have ANNOTATED the article. Here are directions for annotation).
How to WRITE the article of the week paper:
Directions for article of the week are these:
  •  Read the entire article
  • MARK the article and comment, make connections, question, and predictions, etc. as you read. This is called annotating.
  • Talk about the article with someone else.
  •  Write a paper about the article. 
Green Article of the Week (students should have ANNOTATED the article. Here are directions for annotation).
How to WRITE the article of the week paper:
Directions for article of the week are these:
  •  Read the entire article
  • MARK the article and comment, make connections, question, and predictions, etc. as you read. This is called annotating.
  • Talk about the article with someone else.
  •  Write a paper about the article. 

Answer the questions on the article. Write 2 good paragraphs.

There was NO PAPER required for this assignment. Students were asked to bring a celebrity endorsed product, picture of a product, or a celebrity endorsed advertisement. There is NOT a way to make up this assignment. Students either brought the homework, or they did not. They were told ahead of time that was the way this assignment worked. Students who did not bring this as homework will have to come to flex prior to the end of the year to make up the points they are missing for this homework.