This should be where all notes and assignments are kept. I will collect them every couple of weeks. We started keeping these 2 weeks ago when we started the Romeo & Juliet unit.
Students should have notes so far for
- Day 1: Notes on Shakespeare. PLEASE come to Flex to make these up. You may look at mine! Here's a video that will help.
- Day 2: Notes on this video. We also talked about Old English, Middle English, and "Shakespearean English" or Early Modern English. We looked at this video about Original Pronunciation of Shakespeare's English. We watched the National Endowment of the Arts' Shakespeare in our Times
- Day 3: Notes on The Globe Theater and the beginning of Romeo & Juliet. For the Doctor Who clip of The Globe click here. Here is what we watched in class of the movie (velvet version).
- Day 4: Article of the Week on "Your Brain on Shakespeare": read & annotate. See these directions. We read Act 1 scene 2 and answered the questions.

I will be grading your composition books next week. HAVE THEM UPDATED.
Bring an outside (for pleasure) reading book with you to class. You receive points for this every day. You have been required to read every day since you started school at PGJHS. Don't tell me you "forgot."